Sunday, May 15, 2011

The ABC's of Blogging--A

Okay so that title might be a little misleading...I have no specific words of wisdom to give to people who might want to start a blog. I do want to say; however, if you think about doing it and it's something you want to do, then do it. Life's pretty short. Don't wait until tomorrow to do the things you can do today.

What I am really alluding to is a challenge. A challenge for myself and for my readers. I am going to blog about a new word everyday (or as close to everyday as I can) in order for every letter of the alphabet. My challenge for you, my faithful readers, is to add your own spin on my chosen word or to add another word of the same letter with an explanation of why. If you don't want to play, then fine, don't. I would be delighted though to have others play along.

So, when trying to think of my first word for letter A, I had lots of thoughts. But I chose the most important A in my life....ALEXANDER.


  • If you don't know my Alexander, then I would suggest you make a point in meeting him.
  • He is named after my great great great great grandfather.
  • He was born (almost 3 years ago now) on June 3, 2008.
  • He was the BEST thing to ever happen to me.
  • He has a special spirit--anyone who has ever met him has commented on that.
  • He is so intelligent and it's amazing to see the things he does everyday.
  • I could tell a million stories about him and it wouldn't be enough.
  • I could receive a million kisses from him and it wouldn't be enough.
  • Every second I am away from him, my heart aches.
  • It's really tough seeing him grow up, but at the same time, it's equally as wonderful watching him grow up.
  • He has the kindest spirit.
  • He can bring you out of any kind of mood without trying, but just by being himself.
  • He has a wonderful sense of humor.
  • My life changed the minute I laid eyes on him and I can't wait to see what he has in store for all of us in the future.
Here are a couple of pictures to highlight some of our special times with Alex. (By the way, if you know me, you know that I LOVE pictures and narrowing it down from the thousands we have was a task, but I tried not to be overwhelming.)

Here are a couple of pictures from Alex's point of view:

    First Time sitting in the cart seat.

    Loves making messes, but hates to be dirty.

    Slept through our whole shopping trip.

    First week, visiting Sweetie and Papa, who have now become VERY important in his life. He told someone just the other day he is Papa's boy.

    One month old.

    Here is his two year picture in the chair.
    We got this rocking chair from my grandma and grandpa. It was originally my great-grandma's chair. We love this chair. I started a tradition of taking pictures of Alex in the chair on his birthday to document his growth. I hope to continue the tradition for many years. Here is is one.
    I hadn't thought of the chair pictures until he was a bit older, so here is a picture of me holding him in the chair on our first night home.
    5 months old

    LOVES making messes.

    Shaving with daddy.


  1. I love your idea. I'm playing. Great photos of your special little man. He sounds like a doll baby.

    A: Alexander & Archer

    Alexander is the middle name we chose for Hudson. We wanted a different first name, so we thought Alexander was Presidential and it means: defender of mankind. The name is 9 letters long and by accident when we named our second son-Archer Montgomery-we noticed afterward that they both have 6 letters in their first names and 9 letters in their middle. Archer was born on 6/9/11. So...take from that what you want, but I think it's pretty cool. =)

  2. 6/9/10, I mean...He's almost a year old!!!
