Saturday, May 21, 2011


E is for Embrace

–verb (used with object take or clasp in the arms
2. to take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly: to embrace an idea.
3. to avail oneself of: to embrace an opportunity.

I wonder what/who have you embraced today? I hope you can answer that you have embraced may people, and many different things. Last night, on a Friday night, we stayed at home and relaxed. Around 9:30 Alex said that he wanted to go potty. Now, I should probably preface this with saying that potty training is definitely hit or miss at our house. It is also definitely on Alex's terms. If it is our idea, then he wants nothing to do with it. But when he brings it up, we most certainly encourage him to "do his business." So he ran to the bathroom and said "I need to poop" Long story short, we let him sit there for many minutes until...finally...he pooped in the potty. We were so proud. We jumped up and down, we called sweetie and papa and we celebrated. It was at this point that I realized, I've completely and wholly embraced parenthood. I mean who else gets excited about poop? Only those who have embraced this point in their lives.

Here are some other things I like to embrace:
  • My family
  • hard work
  • creativity
  • my favorite shows
  • color
  • style
  • laughter
  • pictures
  • having fun
  • my grief
  • finding a good deal
  • being a good therapist
  • feeling good about myself
  • playing
So I ask, what/who have you embraced today?

1 comment:

  1. Today and every day I embrace my boys. Archer, especially lately because he is almost one and I feel like he's not going to want to snuggle anymore after he's a big one year old, so I'm trying to squeeze all of the hugs out of him everyday while I can. He still lays his head down in my neck for a few moments before wriggling away to go play with brother. June 9th. I should start planning a birthday party.

    E: Energy.

    Some days I do not have this word. Every day my boys have this word. And so, every day I pull myself out of bed and go. I go for them. Things that do energize me are: Being around people. Being outside on the farm with my husband on a beautiful, warm, breezy day. Starbucks. Being complimented. Capturing moments through photos. Cooking for a group of people. Shopping for new clothes. (this never...okay--it rarely happens.)
