Monday, August 15, 2011


Y is for Yes!

Yes, I finally did it. You all asked for it and here it is. I've created a business page on Facebook. If you look over to the right on this blog, you can like my page on Facebook. I'm excited to have fans to even if my stuff isn't your style, like it anyways and maybe you know someone who is a fan of my stuff and it is their style. My mom has joined forces with me and is now a part of Cam's Creations. She uses sewing as her creative/therapeutic outlet and makes AWESOME pillows. There will be pillows on the website too. Soon will be our own website and/or etsy website. I'm taking it step by step and this point. So hang in there as you have done all along thus far. :) Feedback is much appreciated.

One of my main goals to offer personal preferences. So although, you will be able to purchase a lot of what you see, you will also be able to request special colors, styles etc. Let me know what you think. I am very excited!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I need a board that is like a zebra print to hang in my classroom. The kind with the ribbons to hold stuff...does that make a little bulletin board...let me know how much it will cost but I really want one!
