Sunday, August 21, 2011

He punches the ghosts

This is another good one from Nick. He definitely has some great insights. I love how kids think and can just say what's on their mind. :)

Last weekend, we were up north driving from the restaurant to my parents' house. If you are used to that area, you know there aren't many streetlights and there are tons of trees so it can seem pretty dark at night. An observation that Alex has picked up on as you can tell from the following conversation I had with Nick and Alex in the car:

Alex: Mommy, it's dark outside.
Me: Yes, I know, but it's okay.
Alex: I'm scared of the dark.
Me: Alex, honey, there's nothing to be scared of. Mommy is here with you and we are in the car. 
Alex: No, I'm scared of the ghosts.
Me: Honey, there's no ghosts sweetie, it's okay. You don't have to be scared.
Nick: Don't worry Alex, Cameron punches the ghosts. He's our Angel.
Me: That's right guys. There's nothing to worry about. (Said with tears in my eyes.)

As a follow up, this information must have stayed with Alex because a few nights later, he was nervous about going to bed and I heard him tell himself, "It's okay, Cam punches the ghosts." We didn't have anymore problems from him for the night.

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