Friday, August 19, 2011

His birthdays are really fast.

Two weeks ago, I was picking up Nick from a 3 week long visit with his grandfather. The ride back from getting him is about 45 minutes. These minutes tend to give us some quality chat time when Nick is int he mood. Throughout the trip Nick would randomly exclaim, "I missed you so much." "I'm so happy." During the second round of I'm so happy, I asked him, "What are you happy about this time?" This is how our conversation went after I asked him,

Nick: "I get to see Alex and Cameron"
Me: "Cameron?"
Nick: "Yeah, I talk to him in the sky."
Me: "You do?"
Nick: "Yeah, he's bigger now."
Me: "You know his birthday was last Friday"
Nick: "Yeah, his birthdays are fast now. He's bigger, like 4 or 5."
Me: "They are? So do you talk to him when you are at home at our house?"
Nick: "Yeah, something like that."

And with that, he was done with the conversation. And honestly, I was pretty silenced.

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