Sunday, July 31, 2011


X is for X-ray.

Cop-out? Maybe, but I'd like you to come up with an X word that fits into my semi-theme.

If there were a special X-ray on my brain, what thoughts would it pick up?

1. Currently I'm extremely frazzled about moving. This is only because we have tons to do before we go and it's hard to prioritize. I think anyone who is in the process of moving feels this way.
2. The love your children is something so indescribable, it's amazes me more every day. There are days when I can watch the boys do something and I literally fill like my heart is growing because whatever it is they are doing at the time makes me so proud.
3. Cameron. There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about him.
4. Grief and some stage of the process. Whoever said time makes it easier was a big fat liar.
5. Sometimes it's okay to be immature and say things like big fat liar.
6. I need to learn to put my needs first. Something everyone has been telling me to do pretty much my whole life but something I'm just now figuring out.
7. Even though I'm creative and I love making things, sometimes I get over-inspired and frazzled because I have too many ideas in my head at one time. During these moments, I often have to walk away.
8. Life is a puzzle and it's exhausting trying to solve it.

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