Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Trial and Error

I am working on perfecting a new project. This is a good way to recycle items as well as be a little different. I have learned how to make bracelets out of pop tabs. Here are some pictures of my first attempt. I think I need to get some different accents to put on the bracelets. The ones I used this time are scrapbooking brads. While they worked, I definitely need to look into different kinds of beads. I would also like to play with the kinds of ribbon as well as the thickness and the color. Any suggestions/comments are always welcome. And please start saving those pop tabs!

1 comment:

  1. I have so many pop tabs for you!!!!! some plan and some red ones...i am saving them for you and we will bag them up and hopefully be able to bring them to you soon!!...I want a braclet though lol
