Monday, April 18, 2011

In case you didn't know...

My parents are two of the most wonderful people I know. They give to so many people and do not ask for things in return. They work so hard everyday and yet continue to give so selflessly. Recently, they have spent many days, hours, sweat and even tears on helping us fix up our house. The changes in the house have definitely helped us to feel more positive. There's nothing like something new and shiny to  put a positive feeling into the air. I love what they have done. I probably could never show them how truly grateful I am for everything they do for me, for Matt and for everyone else they help on a regular basis. So next time you get a chance, make sure to take a minute and thank them for all the good they do. It makes a difference to know that the things you do are making a difference.

P.S. Thank you for all of the wonderful comments after my last post. I'm glad to know people are enjoying my writing. 

A picture of our new table, flooring and kitchen wall color.

Painted cabinets and kitchen backsplash.

New living room flooring and wall color.

New patio set up so we can sit outside and enjoy the good weather. Just this evening, I enjoyed the lovely couch while reading my nook.

My very talented mother sewed all of the pillows.

Alex helping sweetie sew.

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