Thursday, April 21, 2011


Many times throughout my life, I have found myself commenting on different things saying, "that's such as waste of energy." Within the last 6 months, I have found this to be more true than ever.

I mean is it really worth it to get all worked up because you woke up 15 minutes late? Yeah, maybe it threw your morning off and it made you out of sorts, but is it worth the energy getting all upset about it? At least you woke up this morning.

So what if the kids are fighting over their toys. Instead of getting irritated and yelling about it, use it as a teachable moment on sharing and include yourself in their play. Show them how to share. Sharing is not habit we're born with.

Shortly after we lost Cam, we were driving somewhere in the car. Nick and Alex were screaming, but not in a fighting way. It was more in a silly fun way. I have to tell you, it was LOUD. Previously, we would have raised our voices and made them quiet down. This time I looked at JR and I told him it's better than the unplanned silence we got before. I'll take this noise anyday over that. He smiled slightly at me and we chose to "grin and bare it".

Is it worth it to get all worked up in traffic when people are driving like idiots? Maybe they have something really important to do or they just received a really important for call and need to get to their family. Or maybe they are just idiots and aren't worth your time and energy. If you yell at them and honk your horn or stick up your middle finger, will it really change the way they are driving?

Yeah, for those of you who know me, these are things I have gotten worked up over and still get worked up over on occasion; however, I find myself getting over it quicker too. I keep asking myself "how do I want to use my energy today?" Honestly, I feel pretty crappy if I spend the whole day being mad and negative.

I guess what I'm saying is this: I know things get tough and things sometimes suck. We get mad, we get hurt, we get annoyed, we get frustrated. All of those feelings are normal. All of those things happen for everyone. Just encourage yourself to process through, feel the negative part, but don't waste any more energy on it than you have to. Then you can use that saved energy in a positive way for the rest of the day, week, etc.


  1. This is so true April, it is easy to get caught up in the moment. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Wow you should be my "mommy" coach. Everything i read from you makes so much sense....i just need to take your advice and use it in a positive way to become a better mommy.
