Monday, June 27, 2011


P is for Progress

I feel like we've been making progress. Progress in our grief, in our life, in our family, in connecting, in moving on, in preserving (hey another P) our memories and in returning to a new state of normal. Last night JR and I had one of those moments (and I honestly can't remember what even started it) where we were laughing so hard about pretty much nothing and I have to admit it felt good. I had tears, he had tears, I was doubled over, and my belly hurt. He literally fell OFF the bed. It was one of those great moments that brought us a little closer together. For the first time, it wasn't followed immediately by guilt. Guilt for feeling good, guilt for forgetting I'm supposed to be sad. Don't get me wrong, I felt guilty about 10 minutes later, but hey that's progress. :)

The reasons for our progress each and every day!

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