Saturday, June 4, 2011


M is for Mommy

While my mother is amazing and I think you should know that by now from some of my previous blog entries, this time I'm going to talk about Mommy from the perspective of one and how being a mommy changes your life forever.

Being a mommy is amazing. It's actually pretty indescribable. I know so many mommies out there who agree with me on this one. There is nothing else like it. Being a mommy is a whirlwind of things. It can bring on so many emotions in one day including the greatest love you've ever felt, or the biggest anger you've ever experienced or the deepest sadness you've ever witnessed. You get the highest anxiety you've ever experienced. I mean there's only 300,065 ways a child can get hurt these days. Have you seen those playgrounds lately? They are higher than ever and have more places to get scratched or pinched or tripped etc. I'm joking a little bit, but seriously once you become solely responsible for this little person, things don't look the way they used to. On Memorial day, we went to a little carnival with my parents. The same carnival I went to for years and years and years growing up. The same carnival I had tons of fun on repeatedly. This carnival was so different this year. I mean, the rides now looked like giant monsters just waiting to hurt my kids and the people working the rides all became the enemy because I just knew they didn't have my kids' best interest at heart even though they should have. Obviously I'm exaggerating a little bit, but these are the way I see things these days!

Being a mommy is more than  carrying a child in your womb and birthing it nine months later. That might qualify you as being a biological mother, but to be a mommy you have to give a little more. I almost feel like you have to earn the title of Mommy. 

When you become a mommy, you are no longer first. Your child/ren have now become the center of your world. You think about them from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep and even sometimes your dreams. You worry way more than you ever have. Priorities change and you consider things you never thought you would consider. 

As a mommy, I love kisses and hugs. I love pictures more than I ever did. I mean you have such few moments before you blink and those moments are gone. Then you turn around and your kids are driving cars or graduating high school or something.  I love snuggles (or as we call them in our house cuggles). I love baby feet and peaceful sleeping children. I love watching them learn new things everyday. I love the immensely proud feeling I get when they accomplish something great. I love hearing the "Mommy, mommy when I walk in the house after I've been gone for a bit." I love being created with hugs and kisses everyday. I love getting hugs and kisses before I leave everyday. I love imagination and playing. I love the challenges that being a mommy presents. I love almost everything about it. (I do NOT love whining--in fact if you took whining out of the equation, I could possibly say I love everything). 

Being a mommy is an amazing and wonderful thing. It's something that you're never going to be perfect at but that's okay. Being a mommy is a treasure and I plan to cherish it everyday that I can.

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