Sunday, June 26, 2011


O is for Orbs

I want to start this post off with a little disclaimer. Many people might not believe in the things I'm going to say and that's okay. 

Okay, so JR likes to go ghost hunting every now and then. He has a group of people he goes with. One of the people in this group told him that if you see orbs in a picture above a person's  shoulder it means that a loved one is with them. We had never noticed orbs in our pictures before. And going back to look at them, we don't notice them in old pictures. So it really didn't mean much to us. After we lost Cam, orbs starting showing up in our pictures. Almost always over our shoulders, but sometimes just nearby.  So I am going to show some of those pictures in this blog post. You may think it's just dust in the picture or have any number of things you think it is. Think of it what you will and believe what you want, but for us, it brings comfort. I mean, if it were you wouldn't you want something to hold on to as well? Wouldn't you want to think that your loved one was with you? So essentially I guess I'm saying I don't want to debate this. I don't want evidence to the contrary. I just want to share this with my devoted readers. :)

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