Thursday, June 2, 2011


K is for Kello. 

John and Amy Kello are some very good friends of ours. When Amy and I first met, it was a weird kind of connection. I felt for some reason that I just needed to be friends with her and hang out with her family. They have four sweet little girls who I love so much. It's exciting for me because I get girl time whenever I need it. 

So what is it that makes John and Amy so special? Well for one, they will do anything to help anyone in any situation. They are loyal, kind, trusting and amazing friends. They will help you out when you need it and will pretty much give you everything including the shirt on your back if you need it.

They are wonderful parents and kind, loving friends. They don't judge anyone and they are passionate about making their kids happy.

But the connection for me goes deeper than all of that. They were among the first people who knew when I was pregnant with Cam and it was almost as if they were as happy as we were. I saw them regularly throughout the pregnancy and they kept up those feelings of excitement. They handed down a ton of baby stuff and helped us out a ton. They came and visited us in the hospital with a gift. The gift was a little newborn sleeper and was so cute. Thank goodness they brought it because we didn't have anything else small enough to fit him. He turned out to be smaller than we had expected. During the short time Cam was here, we had lots of problems with reflux and colic. There were times when we were overwhelmed and Amy and John would take Cam for a couple of hours here and there to give us a break. That helped us so much. Most importantly, though, they were there on Halloween when everything happened. They took Nick and Alex and kept them for the entire day. They took them trick-or-treating and helped them have a semblance of a normal day. They kept calm and acted like everything was normal. 

I am so thankful for ALL of the things they have done. But I am especially thankful for their help on that day. I feel because of them, Alex and Nick will be able to have normal Halloweens again and will be less traumatized in the future. They deserve that and I have two very good friends to thank for that. 

So thank you John and Amy for everything you have done and everything you continue to do.

Now for some pictures from this past weekend with the Kello's.

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