Sunday, July 31, 2011


Apparently I have some critics uh I mean readers out there who were not so happy with my W post. They actually told me that my previous W post was a cop out and didn't actually count. So, since I like to try to make others happy, I am re-doing W.

W is for whispers, wishes and wondering and waiting.

Often, I find myself wishing to hear a whisper in the wind letting me know that my little one is out there with me. That he still exists in some form and that he's watching me. I tend to wonder what he would be like now. I wish that things could be different. I wonder what I ever did to deserve this. I whisper to him in the dark hoping he hears all the wonderful things I have to say to him. I wait to find my purpose. I wonder about going on and wish for the strength to keep positive and continue on daily. I wait for my inspiration and wish for others to learn from my experiences. I whisper my "I love yous" to my family so I have no regrets. I wonder what our future will hold and hold out hope that our wishes can come true. I wait for sanity because some days it's all I can wish for.

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