Tuesday, September 13, 2011

He says it's okay.

As many of you avid readers know, in the beginning of September, we moved to Michigan. During my previous  post, I spent some time spelling out my fears for this move. Most of them centered around Cam. I was worried that moving might leave a part of him behind and we might no longer feel the connection we have had to him. The Wednesday before we moved, my mom and JR came to the house to sign the lease so JR could enroll Nick in school that day. I was interviewing for a job during this time. After signing the lease, JR and my mom came out to the house and walked through it one more time. We had previously walked through the house a couple of different times; however, we had never checked out the shed. JR went into the shed to check it out and see the space, etc. In the shed, JR discovered many shelves. Along one of the top shelves, he saw something kind of sticking out. He reached up to see what was up there and it happened to be a porcelain angel figurine. The only thing left in the shed besides some paint cans was the angel. I guess Cam says it's okay. He's still here and he approves of the move.

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